Bold Journey Magazine Interview



We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Lily Shaw. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Lily below.

Hi Lily, so great to have you on the platform. There’s so much we want to ask you, but let’s start with the topic of self-care. Do you do anything for self-care and if so, do you think it’s had a meaningful impact on your effectiveness?

Thank you so much for having me here. Yes, I’m a huge proponent of self-care. For me, it makes all the difference in how impactfully I show up in the world. I have a morning routine that I swear by! It’s based on the law of attraction manifesting techniques – and includes activities like meditation, yoga, pranayama, journaling, and visualizing. I believe that we all create the world that we live in – for ourselves, by ourselves. These activities allow me to connect to my heart-centered authenticity and empower me to face with world from my own true place and not from a place of fear and reactivity. Any time, I feel lost and scared, reconnecting to my truth infuses me with a sense of purpose and positivity.

Lily Shaw